Tuesday, August 19, 2014

DMZ Tour

Tour to the DMZ

(Sorry its taken me so long to blog! Got a lot of catching up to do!)

Hubby and I took a tour to the DMZ, or Demilitarized Zone.
We felt it was important to see why American forces are here in South Korea.

First Stop: at the Peace Bell

There was even a small theme park! Kind of bizarre. You think of the DMZ as a somber place, but it is definitely more light-hearted than we expected...

The Peace Bell

2nd Stop: The lookout tower overlooking North Korea and surrounding tourist exhibits.

Want any snacks or souvenirs?

I never did find out what the ribbons were for, but they looked so significant.

A train shot up during the conflict.
There were many other exhibits with information, but our bus tour was leaving soon! 
It was pretty rushed.

So many Koreans took pictures with this little guy! It was so funny!

An example of the rail car they used to use for trips down into the 3rd tunnel. 

You could also go into the 3rd tunnel that the North Koreans dug. They have attempted to dig tunnels into South Korea 4 times thus far. 
For more info on the 3rd Tunnel of Aggression.

Check out more info on the DMZ .

They had a neat display of all the borders. This diorama shows the buildings at the JSA used by Korean and American forces and North Korean forces on the border.
The blue buildings serve as meeting rooms for both sides.

A replica of North Koreans digging the 3rd tunnel into South Korea.

Map of the Korean Peninsula

The two sets of lights show the Demilitarized Zone, or DMZ. This no-man's land is strictly monitored by both sides. The actual border is the faint lighted line in the middle. 

You were not supposed to cross this line to take pictures of North Korea. 

We are rebels.

Looks pretty desolate to me...

You know you are in Korea when you see "Soy Butter Pringles."

3rd Stop: The train station that used to connect North and South Korea before further aggression from North Korea caused the government to cut off all transport of goods and people between North and South Korea. 

The train line's route.

We got our picture with a Korean soldier! (South Korean)

Hubby said we could have gotten this picture back at home, but we took the opportunity, since he was standing there already :)

4th and Last Stop: An Amethyst Store!!

When you arrive here with one of the tours, they give you 50% off the listed prices! 

This rock shows the two types of amethyst mined based on quality.

There was also a Cherry Blossom Festival in Seoul at that time.
We had to get back on the bus!

Friends attended over the weekend, but said it was just really busy :)


  1. Thanks for the great post. I was always interested in DMZ tour but didn't had some useful information.

    1. So glad to help!! Hope you get a chance to check it out!
